Defend the land of Ackroma from an infinite assault of heroes!  Spend souls to upgrade your Six Magic Barriers and strive for the longest survival!  You are defeated once 10 heroes penetrate your barriers.

Air Barrier

Heroes passing through the Air Barrier take  as much damage as they can from charge available.  Charge regenerates over time.

Water Barrier

Heroes passing through the Water Barrier take  as much damage as they can from charge available.  Charge regenerates quickly to full, but only once it has depleted.

Blood Barrier

Heroes passing through the Blood Barrier take damage to defeat them if equal charge is available.  Regenerate charge every time a hero dies.

Lightning Barrier

When a hero passes through the Lightning Barrier, it triggers a chain lightning for 10 charge that reduces its remaining health by 50% and bouncing to other heroes.  Charge regenerates slowly over time.

Fire Barrier

Heroes passing through the Fire Barrier take flat damage, expending one charge per hero.  Charge regenerates quickly over time.

Poison Barrier

All heroes on screen take poison damage once per second.  Heroes outside the barrier take weak poison damage, and heroes inside the barrier take strong poison damage.  Additionally, every 20 seconds, slow all heroes for 10 seconds.

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